Notes on my teaching philosophy and experience

My teaching statement discusses my teaching philosophy and experience in great detail. Some of that information can also be found in this post.
🔗 Teaching and Mentoring
My teaching experience is extensive, and I love encouraging and mentoring budding mathematicians and computer scientists. I've held academic appointments at four institutions and in each location I started active seminars or research groups.
- At the University of Colorado, I co-organized (with K. Kearnes and P. Lessard) a reading course on Algebraic Theories, and founded the CU Lean User's Group to help graduate students learn to use the Lean proof assistant to support their research.
- At the University of Hawaii I co-organized (with R. Freese) the Universal Algebra Seminar, and founded the Mathematical Foundations of Computing Circle which gathered weekly for lectures on the lambda calculus, type theory, and functional programming.
- At Iowa State University I co-organized (with C. Bergman) the Universal Algebra Seminar, and founded the TypeFunc research group to expose undergraduates to accessible research problems. Three of my students solved some of these problems, and one was awarded a research grant to support this work.
- At the University of South Carolina, I co-organized (with G. McNulty) the Algebra and Logic Seminar, and mentored a talented undergraduate student in the honors college who won a prestigious Magellan Scholar Grant for this work.
I have also successfully introduced Lean proof assistant in the classroom, as described in my teaching statement.
🔗 Classroom Teaching Experience
Here is a list of the courses I have taught at various universities, along with links to some of the course web sites.
🔗 University of Colorado, Boulder
(as Burnett Meyer Instructor)
- Math 2001: Discrete Mathematics, Spring 2019
- Math 2001: Discrete Mathematics, Fall 2018
- Math 3140: Abstract Algebra, Fall 2018
- Math 6000: Model Theory, Spring 2018 (graduate course)
- Math 2130: Linear Algebra, Spring 2018
- Math 2130: Linear Algebra, Fall 2017
🔗 University of Hawaii
(as Visiting Assistant Professor)
- Math 215: Applied Calculus, Spring 2017
- Math 480: Senior Seminar, Spring 2017
- Math 244: Calculus IV, Fall 2016
- Math 321: Introduction to Advanced Math, Fall 2016
🔗 Iowa State University
(as Postdoctoral Associate)}
- Math 317: Linear Algebra, Spring 2016
- Math 317: Linear Algebra, Fall 2015
- Math 160: Survey of Calculus, Fall 2015
- Math 207: Elementary Linear Algebra, Spring 2015
- Math 165: Calculus I, Spring 2015
- Math 301: Abstract Algebra, Fall 2014
- Math 165: Calculus I, Fall 2014
🔗 University of South Carolina
(as Visiting Assistant Professor)
- Math 700: Linear Algebra, Spring 2014 (graduate course)
- Math 141: Calculus I, Spring 2014
- Math 374: Discrete Structures, Fall 2013
- Math 122: Calculus for Business and Social Sciences, Fall 2013
- Math 374: Discrete Structures, Spring 2013
- Math 122: Calculus for Business and Social Sciences, Spring 2013
- Math 241: Vector Calculus, Fall 2012
- Math 122: Calculus for Business and Social Sciences, Fall 2012
🔗 University of Hawaii
(as Graduate Student Instructor)
- Math 371: Probability Theory, Summer 2011
- Math 215: Applied Calculus I, Summer 2009
- Math 100: Mathematical Reasoning, Summer 2010