William DeMeo in Nara, Japan
🔗 About
This is the personal webpage, blog, and open notebook of William DeMeo.
William DeMeo is Senior University Lecturer in Computer Science
at the Ying Wu College of Computing of New Jersey Institute of Technology.
He holds a BA in Economics from the University of Virginia, a Master of Science in Mathematics from the Courant Institute of New York University, and a PhD in mathematics from the University of Hawaii, with a specialty in Universal Algebra and Lattice Theory (advisor: Ralph Freese).
William has held academic appointments at a number of research universities, including:
- Charles University in Prague (with Libor Barto, 2019--2021)
- University of Colorado, Boulder (with Peter Mayr, 2017--2019)
- University of Hawaii (with Ralph Freese, 2016--2017)
- Iowa State University (with Cliff Bergman, 2014--2016)
- University of South Carolina (with George McNulty, 2012--2014)
William's primary research areas are the following:
- universal algebra
- foundations of mathematics
- formalization and verification of mathematics in dependent type theory
- computer-aided and automated mathematical proof
- artificial intelligence and machine learning
- functional programming
- algebraic approaches to algorithmic complexity
🔗 Contact

Charlie Hebdog
Boulder, CO
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